Happy Hormones Introduction Course


In Part 2, I explain the things you’re doing daily that may be affecting your hormones. There are 4 major influences that affect your Feisty 4; Diet, Stress, Environment and Lifestyle. Once you understand these factors, you can start to see how your daily choices are affecting your hormones and what you can do about it.

Number 1: Your Diet

Food is information, not just calories. Your diet can either nourish your hormones or disrupt them. Learn what the biggest food disruptors are so you can start swapping to more nourishing choices.



Number 2: Stress

Stress can have a huge impact on all your hormones, as cortisol is dominant when the body is in survival mode. But it’s not just the obvious sources of stress that you need to be aware of.



Number 3: Environment

In this video I cover the impact your environment can have on your hormones and how critical it is to start making small changes so that you can protect your hormones and keep them working optimally.
Check out my Free Gift below - The Dirty Dozen - 12 Hormone Altering Chemicals



Number 4: Lifestyle

In this video i’m going to talk about the 4th and final big influence on your hormones; your lifestyle, or more accurately how you are moving. Without activity, your muscles waste away, your fat stores go up, your circulation stagnates and you are at much higher risk of serious disease. But it’s important that you do the right type of exercise for your hormones.





The Happy Hormones Plate

This plate will guide your every meal, showing you what foods to prioritise to support your hormones and get them the nutrients they need.

the perfect plate for hormone balance
download your plate

5 Minute Mindfulness Meditation

This quick audio meditation will switch off your stress response and reset your cortisol. Do this daily for at least 30 days to embed your new habit. You may decide you feel so good you want to try a longer one!

download your meditation

The Dirty Dozen EDC's

This is a list of the main Endocrine Disruptor Hormones from the EWG (Environmental Working Group): 12 Hormone-Altering Chemicals and How to Avoid Them.

download your ebook

The Happy Hormones Move Guide

This guide is taken from the 30 Days to Happy Hormones programme and shows you what type of exercise is beneficial to your hormones.

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