PMS; natural solutions to stop the monthly misery!

PMS; natural solutions to stop the monthly misery

If you’re a woman you’ve probably either had PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome) or know someone close to you that suffers from it. It’s thought around half of women still menstruating will …

Why You Need Good Gut Health For Happy Hormones

Gut health and your hormones

When I started studying hormones back in the day, I didn’t think I’d also have to study poo and gut health! But working with women’s hormones week in week out, …

Tired All The Time? 5 Tips to Boost Your Energy

tired of being tired

Are you feeling TATT? This is the shorthand version of ‘tired all the time’ invented by doctors and health practitioners, because it’s so common! I hear this so often when …

Your life in hormones

Your life in hormones

Seriously, what the hell happens to our hormones as we get older? I know we all hit ‘middle age’ at different times, but it hit me at around 41. I …


Beating the January blues

January blues

It’s the same for many after the Christmas and New Year excesses. Fatigue, exhaustion, bloating and general lethargy set in and you just want to hibernate under your duvet.  Welcome …